1.) Export your Pitchlane Videos as a CSV File
2.) Upload your Prospects into Snov.io
3.) Populate the fields with the data from Pitchlane
4.) Ensure your Pitchlane Video can be imported correctly. When filling in the names for the variable input "VideoUrl" & ThumbnailUrl".
5.) Select "Start the Import"
6.) Create a new Campaign.
7.) Select from Scratch and drag an "Email" action over from the side.
8.) Fill your email with the content you want your clients to receive. To implement variables select the curly brackets then select the variable type that you want to implement. You will know they're implemented correctly when the boxes around the variables are purple.
9.) Implement your Pitchlane video.
Copy the following code:
<a target="_blank" href="{{videoUrl}}">
<img style="margin:0px;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0px;width:100%;max-width:300px;height:auto" src="{{thumbnailUrl}}" alt="Video for {{first_name}}" >
<br />
When pasting in the code, you will need to paste it without formatting.
Apple Computers: Cmd + Shift + V
Windows Computers: Ctrl + Shift + V
In order to implement the code correctly follow these steps:
i.) Where you want your video to appear, type [ReplaceMe]
ii.) Select the "Source Code" Button
iii.) Press Ctrl + F (Windows) or Cmd + F and search for ReplaceMe
iv.) Replace "ReplaceMe" by pasting over it with the code.
OPTIONAL: You can test your email to ensure that it looks correct by selecting "Preview and test". The Preview screen will not accurately display your email, but if you send it to a test account it will accurately display the email.
Incorrectly displayed by the preview tool
What your prospects will see
10.) Once completed, select next, and fill out the prospect page. Ensure that the list name is the name of the Pitchlane prospect CSV that you uploaded.
11.) Select Next and attach your email account that you will be sending your campaign emails from. Furthermore, fill out your schedule to align with your timezone and working hours.
12.) Select Next and select Start to run your campaign!