How to send leads from Pitchlane to with Zapier

Important: you will need to be using Instantly's HyperGrowth plan or higher to use the API feature, which is required by Zapier.

1.) Open our Zapier Template:

2.) Link your Pitchlane Account and select your Pitchlane Campaign then select Test Trigger

3.) Select a video record to use. Ensure you have already rendered a video in Pitchlane.

4.) Select the action titled, "2. Add Lead to Campaign in Instantly" and ensure your Instantly account is linked.

5.) Select your Campaign and populate the fields accordingly. Ensure the thumbnailEmbed field is populated correctly. Ensure the case structure matches: "thumbnailEmbed"

6.) Select, "Test step" and hit Publish

7.) Hit "Render All Videos" in Pitchlane when you're ready

Video Guide:

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