How to set up cookies in Pitchlane

In this guide, we’re going to show you how you can extract your cookies from Twitter, XING or any other site requiring cookies to use within Pitchlane.

This guide assumes you are using Google Chrome. If you’re not using Chrome, you’re going to have to do this the hard way… skip to the bottom of this article.

The Simple Way - Cookie-Master

  1. Navigate to the site you want to copy cookies for and make sure you are logged in...

  2. Install the “Cookie-Master” browser extension:

  3. Open the Cookie-Master extension on the website you’d like to import cookies from

  4. Click “Blast copy”

  5. Open Pitchlane, click “Insert cookies”

  6. Paste what’s been put in your clipboard into the prompt in Pitchlane, click OK

  7. You should see something like this:

All done!

The Hard(er) Way - Inspector

If you don’t have chrome installed and can’t follow the section above, you will need to:

  1. Open the website (e.g. Twitter)

  2. Open developer tools. You can do this by right clicking and clicking “inspect” usually, but check how to do this for your browser.

  3. Head to the “Network” tab

  4. Refresh your page, and make sure that there are not filters applied on the network tab

  5. Look through the requests, starting from the first. The first one to have a “Cookie” in the request headers section is the one you should use

  6. Copy this cookie value, and use it as input into pitchlane

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