Refund Policy

We understand that customers have a variety of reasons for seeking a refund of a payment, from financial difficulties, ordering by mistake, or, a change in strategic direction.

Am I eligible for a refund?

Payments made are refundable so long as a refund is requested within 14 days of the invoice date.

Refunds will not be issued for requests made 14 days or more after the invoice date.

How much of a refund am I eligible for?

If you haven’t used any of the credits purchased in your payment, you will be eligible for a full refund of the payment (within 14 days).

If you have used any of the credits entitled to you in your payment, you will be eligible for a pro-rata refund for only the credits you have not used from the payment.

The amount to refund will be calculated as

((Credits Issued - Credits Used) / Credits Issued) * Invoice Amount

What happens to my credits when I get a refund?

The credits purchased will be removed from your account balance when a refund is processed.

Refunds of credits that have been used will not be issued.

I'm not satisfied with results but I've used up the credits - can I get a refund?

We're sorry to hear that you've not gotten the results you were hoping for from Pitchlane. Please reach out to our support as we will be able to help diagnose and rectify issues in your campaigns to improve the results you're getting.

If credits have been used, this means that the cost of rendering the videos has already been incurred, so we are unable to offer a refund for credits that have been used.

If you have not used up all the credits, please see the "How much of a refund am I eligible for?" section above.

I was subscribed to your old pricing model - given that video credits are less expensive now, can I get a refund of the difference in price for credits I previously purchased?

Refunds will not be issued retro-actively for the difference in credit price at the time of purchase to now.

This is because not only has the price of a credit changed, but the entire pricing model as well.

One video credit now entitles you to 2mins of video as opposed to a video of any length, and using LinkedIn pages in videos needs LinkedIn credits to be purchased separately.

If your videos are over 2mins in length, and you would like to switch to a new plan, contact support.

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