My sending tool has a character limit on custom fields

If you are using certain sending tools that place length limits on custom fields, you might have a bit of trouble using the {{thumbnailEmbed}} variables we provide in the CSV files you export from Pitchlane.

This is currently the case for:

  • Wired Plus (Conesso)


How can I get around the limitation?

Instead of importing the entire embed code, you will need to:

  1. Instead of using the whole embed code as a custom variable, you will need to use the {{videoUrl}} and {{thumbnailUrl}} variables/columns of the CSV.

  2. Paste the following snippet of HTML code where you would like the video to be embedded.

  <a target="_blank" href="{{videoUrl}}">
      alt="Video for {{firstName}}"
  <br />

Be sure to change the line alt="Video for {{firstName}}" to match the video title you want.

the {{firstName}} here corresponds to the variable in your sending tool - bear in mind this may appear differently and is case sensitive - e.g. {{first_name}}.

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