What is AutoFollowUp?
To understand what AutoFollowUp is and how you can leverage it check out this guide: https://help.pitchlane.com/article/126-what-is-autofollowup
In order to set up an AutoFollowUp in QuickMail.com, you will need two campaigns.
Your "Main" campaign - this is the normal sequence you would send out, where you send out the video, that prospects will then click on to view
Your "AutoFollowUp" campaign - this is the sequence you will send out to leads as soon as they've viewed their Pitchlane video
Create the AutoFollowUp Campaign
This can be done through going to the "Campaign" Tab and clicking "Create New Campaign"
Setting Up the AutoFollowUp Zap
1.) Use our Zapier AutoFollowUp Template: https://zapier.com/app/editor/template/1666009
2.) Link Your Pitchlane Account: Select the trigger called " Video First Viewed in Pitchlane" then select account and choose your Pitchlane account
3.) Link your QuickMail Account: Select the next box called "Cancel Journey in QuickMail" and under the account tab attach your QuickMail Account. Your Zapier API key can be found in QuickMail Settings under "Add-ons"
4.) Prospect Email: Under the action tab of the "Cancel Journey in QuickMail" select "Video Original Row Email"
5.) Attaching Variables: Select the create or update prospect block. Navigate to the Action tab. From here assign what elements from the imported information align with the categories i.e. Prospect First Name & Video Original Row First Name
6.) Ensure Thumbnail Embed is Assigned: The category Prospect Attribute: thumbnailEmbed should align with the input "Video Thumbnail Embed". If this does not appear, follow the steps for how to create the Video Thumbnail Embed custom variable in our guide on setting up Pitchlane with Quickmail: https://help.pitchlane.com/article/121-how-to-use-pitchlane-with-quickmail
7.) Switch your Zap On: Perform the test, and once complete ensure that the toggle in the top left is active.
Video Guide:
How to handle when a Meeting is Booked & When Leads Respond in Other Campaigns
1.) If a lead books directly via Calendly on the Pitchlane Video Page, this Zap automatically pauses the campaign and blocks any follow-up going through. The Two Create or Update Blocks should be assigned to each of your two campaigns under the "Campaign" section of the Action section
The Template: https://zapier.com/app/editor/template/1666079
Note: For this to work most effectively, you should implement a time delay in the steps section of your journey as demonstrated by the gif at the bottom of this page.
2.) If someone replies to your auto follow-up, they are paused in the original outreach sequence
The Template: https://zapier.com/app/editor/template/1666084
Note: For this to work most effectively, you should implement a time delay in the steps section of your journey as demonstrated by the gif below.